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A Curated List of All ‘Metrics Monday Posts

I do all my teaching in the fall. With the end of the semester and the Holidays coming soon, witha few research papers I would like to finish before my spring fellowship at the Institute for Advanced Study begins, and with other responsibilities, blogging necessarily takes the backseat.

Still, I thought I should assemble of all my ‘Metrics Monday posts (including those proto-‘Metrics Monday posts, i.e., posts about econometrics before ‘Metrics Monday was even a thing). I am also making a separate page for this list, and that page will be updated every time I add a post to the ‘Metrics Monday series.

(Incidentally, I am getting to a point where I have covered a lot of what I wanted to cover as part of this series, and I am running out of inspiration; requests from readers are much appreciated.)

Here is the list:

  1. Fads and Fashions in Econometrics
  2. Multicollinearity
  3. Friends *Do* Let Friends Do IV
  4. Regressions as Ecosystems
  5. When Is Heteroskedasticity (Not) a Problem?
  6. Hypothesis Testing in Theory and in Practice
  7. Statistical Literacy
  8. Data Cleaning
  9. Outliers
  10. Proxy Variables
  11. What to Do with Missing Data
  12. What to Do with Endogenous Control Variables
  13. Control Variables: More Isn’t Necessarily Better
  14. You Can’t Test for Exogeneity: Uninformative Hausman Tests
  15. “Do Both”
  16. You Keep Using that Instrumental Variable; I Do Not Think It Does What You Think It Does
  17. PSA: p-Values Are Thresholds, Not Approximations
  18. The Use and Misuse of R-Square
  19. Big Dumb Data?
  20. Rookie Mistakes in Empirical Analysis
  21. Goodness of Fit in Binary Choice Models
  22. A Nifty Fix for When Your Treatment Variable Is Measured with Error
  23. A Rant on Estimation with Binary Dependent Variables
  24. Love It or Logit, or: Man, People *Really* Care about Binary Dependent Variables
  25. In Defense of the Cookbook Approach to Econometrics
  26. More on the Cookbook Approach to Econometrics
  27. Econometrics Teaching Needs an Overhaul
  28. Hipstermetrics
  29. On the (Mis)Use of Regression Analysis: Country Music and Suicide
  30. Methodological Convergence in the Social Sciences