Published August 19, 2011 Links for August 19, 2011 How evil is your facial hair? Keynes goes to Texas. Stay classy, Gérard Depardieu. Have an opinion on a restaurant? Keep it to yourself or own up to it. (HT: Derrill Watson, Jared Bernstein, Karen Grepin.)
Published July 22, 2011 Links for July 22, 2011 Why Bill Clinton should be a Tea Party hero. How to have the perfect day. The only NSFW (not safe for the waistline) blog I follow. When self-mutilation no longer satisfies your self-loathing needs, there’s always this. Silence means assent?
Published July 15, 2011 Links for July 15, 2011 Strunk & White or Strunk/White? And don’t forget Strunk & White. The piece that got Bill Easterly fired from the World Bank ten years ago. On location with “The Wire,” part 1. File under “Underappreciated Canadian Economists.” On location with “The Wire,” part 2. (HT: Jeremy Petranka.)