This week in my development seminar, we will be discussing the background ideas and methods proper to development microeconomics.
In order to do so, and to make sure that everyone has a clear understanding of what’s at stake, I must make a necessary digression about the use of linear regression as well as about the idea of causality in the social sciences.
As such, a recent post on impact evaluation by Chris Blattman turns out to be quite timely:
“My point in 2008: to talk about how impact evaluations could better serve the needs of policymakers, and accelerate learning.
Frankly, the benefits of the simple randomized control trial have been (in my opinion) overestimated. But with the right design and approach, they hold even more potential than has been promised or realized.
“Hope and Hype Outpace Proven Treatments”: Sounds Familiar?
You would think this New York Times article is about aid and development, especially when glancing at the subtitles (“A Theory Becomes a Fad,” “Conflicting Studies,” “The Next Big Thing”), but I guarantee it’s not:
“But now researchers are questioning many of the procedures, including new ones that often have no rigorous studies to back them up.