Matt Collin over at Aid Thoughts has a good post summarizing some recent developments on the question of whether increases in food prices cause riots.
Category: Micro
Dear G-20, Please Do Not Tackle the Wrong Food Price Problem
A post on the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development’s (ICTSD) blog last week discussed a draft confidential report to the G-20 on food prices that was leaked:
“A confidential draft report from leading international agencies (…) aims to lay out ‘a blueprint for a systematic and internationally coordinated response’ to food price volatility in response to an explicit request from G-20 leaders at their November 2010 meeting in Seoul.”
The report, which can be found here, discusses price volatility as follows:
A New Method for Measuring Hunger
Robert Jensen and Nolan Miller, who are famous for publishing what is perhaps the first paper credibly establishing the existence of Giffen behavior a few years ago have devised a new means for measuring hunger in developing countries.
From The Economist‘s Economics Focus column last week: