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Category: Policy

New Blog on Environmental Economics and Policy

I had been meaning to introduce this new environmental economics blog, courtesy of my colleague Lori Bennear, who is an Assistant Professor in the Nicholas School of the Environment here at Duke.

In one of her first posts, Lori looks at the externalities from fracking in relation to the Coase Theorem:

There are many potential externalities associated with fracking.  An excellent analysis of potential externalities from methane contamination of groundwater by Osborn, Vengosh, Warner, and Jackson, all from Duke, can be found in this paper.  Today’s blog will focus on a different aspect of the fracking debate — the negative externalities associated with radioactive wastewater.

Resources for Development Students

The Guardian has put together a page of resources for students of development policy.

Those resources include a reading list for those who are new to the topic, a list of people to follow on Twitter, and a guide to publicly available development data.

Well worth checking out, especially if you are thinking of studying development in graduate school or if you have a term paper to write in a development class this semester.

Coughing Tiger, Sickened Dragon

In dozens of rural villages in China’s western provinces, one of the first things primary school kids learn is what made their education possible: tobacco.

“On the gates of these schools, you’ll see slogans that say ‘Genius comes from hard work — Tobacco helps you become talented,'” said Xu Guihua, secretary general of the privately funded lobby group Chinese Association on Tobacco Control. The schools are sponsored by local units of China’s government-owned monopoly cigarette maker. “They are pinning their hopes on young people taking up smoking.”

Anti-tobacco groups say efforts to reduce sales in the world’s largest cigarette consumer, such as a ban on smoking in public places introduced in May, have been hampered by light penalties, a lack of education about the dangers of smoking and the fact that the regulator, the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration, also runs the world’s biggest cigarette maker, China National Tobacco Corp.

This is from an article on in which I learned that China has 320 million smokers. Like Princeton’s Anne-Marie Slaughter replied over Twitter, that’s almost the size of the US population!

And regarding the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration owning China National Tobacco Corp., I think I’ve found the perfect counterexample for when I teach about incentive compatibility in the law and economics seminar I teach in the spring…