Warning: Blatant self-promotion ahead.
An excerpt from an article in Foreign Affairs by Chris Barrett and I on the current food crisis:
Agricultural Economics—Without Apology
Warning: Blatant self-promotion ahead.
An excerpt from an article in Foreign Affairs by Chris Barrett and I on the current food crisis:
Yes, but it depends in which way, and it may not last. From a new working paper by Paul Ferraro and Mike Price:
So says Tim Worstall in a post over at Forbes:
“The reason that food is shipped, not money, is straight old politics. For the EU, it’s easier to persuade people that the near insane excess production of the coddling of European farmers be sent of to feed the starving than it is to reform said system. In the US, purchases are made from US farmers, the shipping must be US owned and operated shipping, so there’s a good constituency militating for no change in ways.