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Category: Policy

Is Food Security The World’s Worst Problem?

According to a conference held by the European Commission’s Joint Research Council (JRC), it is:

“Food security is “probably the most urgent and dramatic” problem facing mankind, a Brussels conference has been told. (…)

Dominique Ristori, director general of the JRC, said that in order to tackle the crisis, food production must assume a much higher priority in political agendas. He said that the case for ‘urgent action’ in the global food system ‘is now compelling.'”

This much is obvious to anyone who has been following the movements of food prices since the second half of 2010. What is more interesting is what the JRC suggests policy makers should do about it:

“Improving ‘governance’ of the global food system is another possible solution, it argues. ‘It is important to reduce subsidies and trade barriers that disadvantage poor countries.'”

This is in line with my own view on the impact of agricultural subsidies in the United States, in Europe, and elsewhere in the industrialized world on developing countries. More on this topic on Tuesday morning.

My Thoughts on Development’s Next Decade

In a post over at Global Dashboard, New York University’s Center for International Cooperation‘s Alex Evans discussed the eight questions about development policy over the next decade that he answered in a new report for ActionAid.

Here are my answers. Like I often tell my students, I have no special insight when it comes to predicting the future, and just about anyone can come up with similar, if not better, predictions by reading The Economist and other solid sources of information for about a year.

Disclaimer: I am not responsible for anyone making important decisions on the basis of my answers below. This is all just in good fun.