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Category: Policy

What I Do

A couple weeks ago, I was asked to talk to give a talk to the students in the Sanford School’s Masters of Public Policy (MPP) program about my research.

On Mark Bittman’s Future Food Manifesto (Updated)

A few weeks ago, the New York Times‘ Mark Bittman wrote a column entitled “A Food Manifesto for the Future,” in which he offered his thoughts as to how to “make the growing, preparation and consumption of food healthier, saner, more productive, less damaging and more enduring.” Bittman’s suggestions are very much in line with the expectations and beliefs of the bien-pensant, as befits someone writing for the newspaper of record, but some of his suggestions were highly impractical.

I wanted to discuss his column earlier on but other more pressing events happened in terms of food policy which I chose to discuss first, and this has been a busy week, so my apologies for the lateness of these comments.

Among Bittman’s thoughts were:

More Miscellaneous Food Policy Links

  1. Every time I start wondering whether I really need to subscribe to The Atlantic when I barely have enough time to keep up with all the other things I have to read, the magazine manages to sink its hook into me again. This time around, it did so with an interesting, well-written article by B.R. Myers on foodies and foodie-ism.
  2. Bryan McDonald has a good post about the potential link between food prices and political unrest.
  3. One more from The Atlantic: Megan McArdle has a good post discussing Mark Bittman’s comment on the new USDA dietary guidelines.