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“Celebrity Aid” and African Development



That’s actually quite a controversial question, one that is still debated in humanitarian circles. Some people will say that the musicians selflessly raised large amounts of money to help the world’s neediest. Others – myself included – would say that when projects like this don’t involve professional humanitarianism and the beneficiaries (i.e. the people who are supposedly being helped), the law of unintended consequences allows for the best of intentions to pave a road straight to H-E-double-hockeysticks.

There’s three broad ways that Celebrity Aid is often asserted as a success, or conversely, criticized as a failure. Namely they are (1) the amount of aid that actually hit the ground, (2) the stereotypes of Africans it created in the media, and (3) that they may have actually been complicity in ethnocide in the Sub-Saharan African context. I’ll address each separately.

From Reddit user wilbarp, in thread that popped up over the holidays asking “Did celebrity efforts like Band Aid’s ‘Do they know it’s Christmas?’ and USA for Africa’s ‘We Are The World’ actually help alleviate famine in the 1980s?” His answer — which should be required reading in any intro to Africa-type classes — deserves to be read in full.

Job Market Advice III: Interviewing on Campus

It’s that time of the year again, when graduate students who are in their final year are getting ready to go on the job market. Because going on the job market is a harrowing experience for most people, I thought I should help job-market candidates by sharing my advice.

This post is the last in a series of three. Today, I’d like to discuss what it’s like to interview on campus (also known as a flyout), and how you should prepare for it.

Happy New Year… and Happy Blog Anniversary!*

I wrote my first post for this blog on December 31, 2010. In many ways, it is hard for me to believe that it has been three years; when I started out, I wasn’t sure I would manage to blog for more than three months!

It has been a great year for me, both offline and online. Offline, I was offered what was essentially my dream job in a department where I am surrounded by great colleagues and where there are many graduate students interested in my research areas. To top it all off, this great job had me relocate to the Upper Midwest, a part of the country that is much more to my liking, and the Twin Cities, a large metropolitan area that suits me much better.

Online, although my blogging has been lighter during the busier parts of the year (e.g., in July when we moved and took a three-day roadtrip from North Carolina to Minnesota along with our two dogs, and in December when the fall semester came to and end), this has been a good year for this blog, with 86,833 pageviews (241 pageviews per day) coming from 44,694 unique visitors.

In terms of pageviews, that’s almost a 20 percent increase from last 2012. But bear in mind that in September 2012 alone, I had upward of 23,000 page views because of Greg Mankiw linking to my post on the trading game! Without that outlier month, 2012 would have had much fewer pageviews, and this year would look relatively much better.

In 2013, the five posts that got the most pageviews were:

  1. Quinoa Nonsense, or Why the World Still Needs Agricultural Economists
  2. A Rant on Estimation with Binary Dependent Variables (Technical)
  3. The Trading Game: An Easy to Run In-Class Experiment, breaking the top five for a second year in a row
  4. The Inverse Farm Size–Productivity Relationship: “Proof” that Smallholders Can Feed the World?
  5. “I’m Bad at Math”: My Story.

In 2014, I will likely blog a bit less, but my goal is to have at least one substantial, more serious post per week, typically on Monday.

Whether you’re a brand new reader or you’ve been reading this blog since early 2011, thank you very much for reading. Happy New Year!

* Sorry, still can’t bring myself to use the term “blogiversary.”