It seems as though every time someone posts something on GMOs, two kinds of people come out to comment: those who are for GMOs, and those who are against. Increasingly, it seems to me that both sides are talking past one another, and that little to no progress is being made because the inflamed rhetoric on both sides has so far failed to convince anyone that the other side might be onto something.
With this post, I’d like to make sense of the current debate surrounding GMOs. I don’t want to discuss intellectual property and corporate behavior here, as those are topics best left for future posts. Likewise for my belief that between consuming GMOs on the one hand and being malnourished, undernourished, or dying of hunger on the other hand, I’ll take consuming GMOs.
I’d just like to present what I see as good arguments on each side, in order to introduce a bit of reason in the whole debate. There are smart, rational people on both sides of the GMO divide. It’s just sometimes difficult to hear their voices amid the shrill debates in which the attention is focused on who screams the loudest.