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Marc F. Bellemare Posts

One-Year Development Economics Position at Georgetown Public Policy

From this week’s Economic Research Network Professional Announcements and Job Openings email:

The Georgetown Public Policy Institute (GPPI) seeks 1-2 economists to teach courses in development economics and other related areas, for a one year, full-time visiting position at the assistant professor level.

Job Description

Responsibilities include teaching courses in the Master of Public Policy program, advising students on coursework and/or masters’ theses, producing high-quality papers for publication in refereed journals, and participation in the intellectual life of the program.

Job Qualifications

Ph.D. in Economics (or Public Policy) with a specialization in economic development, strong background in quantitative methods, outstanding research experience, and teaching experience. GPPI is an equal opportunity employer; women and minorities are particularly encouraged to apply.

Application Procedure

Qualified candidates should send their detailed CV, plus teaching evaluations (if available), and the names of three references by Thursday, March 24, 2011 to:

Dr. Joseph Ferrara

Associate Dean, GPPI

Apps for Academics

The Chronicle of Higher Education‘s ProfHacker blog featured a nice post yesterday about the best applications for academics. After going through the list, I decided to install f.lux, which adjusts the color of your computer’s display depending on the time of day and (supposedly) helps you sleeps better.

Otherwise, my favorite apps are Read It Later, Freedom (which is well worth the $10 price when deadlines are approaching), and Evernote.