“A Go Go,” by Medeski, Scofield, Martin & Wood:
Marc F. Bellemare Posts
Want to Study Climate Change and Development at IDS-Sussex?
A scholarship covering tuition, cost of living, and travel is available for applicants to the M.Sc. in Climate Change and Development at the Institute for Development Studies at the University of Sussex for next fall:
“The applicants must:
1. Be nationals of (or permanently domiciled in) a Commonwealth developing country, and not currently be living or studying in a developed country (please see the booklet for a list of eligible countries)
2. Hold a first degree at either first or upper second class level;
3. Be sufficiently fluent in English to pursue the course
4. Have not previously studied for one year or more in a developed country
5. Not be employed by a government department (for this purpose the Commission counts this as being employed by a Government Ministry).
6. Be able to confirm in writing that neither they or their families would otherwise be able to pay for the proposed course of study
7. Be willing to confirm that they will return to their home country as soon as their period of study is complete.”
This is a great opportunity to study in a place where there are many development experts.
(HT: @txtpablo)
More Frequent Spikes in Food Prices in the Future?
From Deutsche Bank, via the Wall Street Journal:
“Food prices are likely to start falling later in 2011 but will remain high for the rest of this decade (…) We expect spikes in food prices to occur with increasing frequency, mostly due to weather disruption and climate change.”
In sum, the food price level is expected to remain high on average, but food price volatility is expected to increase? If so, agricultural producers will be the ones who suffer more than consumers.