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Can You Guess What My Research Looks Like?

Last updated on June 19, 2012

I am up for tenure next year. This means that I am spending a significant part of my summer putting together my tenure packet.

The tenure packet encompasses (almost) everything I have done since joining Duke in 2006: published articles and book chapters, working papers, grant proposals, course syllabi, course evaluations, etc.

The most important thing in the tenure packet, however, is the statement of intellectual development. This document describes in great detail the research I have done, the research I am doing, and the research I plan on doing for the next five to 10 years. It also describes my teaching philosophy and my teaching strategies. Finally, it describes my service to the university and to the profession.

The bulk of the statement of intellectual development is about research. I have been working on my statement for the past two weeks, but I am about 99 percent done, so I decided to make a word cloud of the research part of my statement, to see what it would look like. Here it is (click on the word cloud for a full-size picture):

Looks about right.