Here is the seventh of eight lectures I gave at the University of Copenhagen in May for a course titled Causal Inference with Observational Data.
Stay tuned the eighth and last lecture, Tricks of the Trade II, to be posted one week from today.
Agricultural Economics—Without Apology
Here is the seventh of eight lectures I gave at the University of Copenhagen in May for a course titled Causal Inference with Observational Data.
Stay tuned the eighth and last lecture, Tricks of the Trade II, to be posted one week from today.
Here is the sixth of eight lectures I gave at the University of Copenhagen in May for a course titled Causal Inference with Observational Data.
Stay tuned for lectures 7 and 8 over the next two weeks, which will cover various tricks of the trade–for most readers of this blog, the real payoff of the course.
From the Journal Citations Report, here is the new top 5 of agricultural economics journals: