In January 2013, I wrote a post titled Quinoa Nonsense, of Why the World Still Needs Agricultural Economists. That was the second one of my posts to go viral.*
And did that post ever take me places–both figuratively and literally.
It figuratively took me places, because after I wrote that post, Seth Gitter got in touch with me to mention he’d been meaning to look at the effects of the quinoa price spike, and to ask whether I’d be interested in collaborating on that. Because of the same post, The Economist ran an article in their Leaders section last year titled “In praise of quinoa,” in which they were talking about the wonders of international trade, and in which they name-checked me. (In the same article, they also name-checked Saddam Hussein and Donald Trump, so make of that what you will.)
And it literally took me places, because Seth and I were soon thereafter flying to Peru to consult for the International Trade Center on the welfare impacts of the quinoa price spike. That was the first of several trips to Peru, a country where I am planning on doing more work as early as next summer.
In my January 2013 post, I ranted against journalists who present uninformed, sloppy thoughts as gospel. My foremost example then was this excerpt from an article in the Guardian: