Suppose you have the following estimable equation:
(1) [math]y_{it} = \alpha_{i} + \beta {x}_{it} + \epsilon_{it}[/math].
This is a pretty standard equation when dealing with panel data: [math]i[/math] denotes an individual in the set [math]i \in \{1,…,N\}[/math], [math]t[/math] denotes the time period in the set [math]t \in \{1,…,T\}[/math], [math]y[/math] is an outcome of interest (say, wage), [math]x[/math] is a variable of interest (say, an indicator variable for whether someone has a college degree), [math]\alpha[/math] is an individual fixed effect, and [math]\epsilon[/math] is an error term with mean zero. Normally with longitudinal data, it is the case that [math]N > T[/math], so that there are more individuals in the data than there are time periods. (If [math]T > N[/math], you are likely dealing more with a time-series problem than with a typical applied micro problem.)
Though we are normally interested in estimating and identifying the relationship between the variable of interest [math]x[/math] and the outcome variable [math]y[/math], I wanted to focus today on heteroskedasticity.*