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52 search results for "farmers' markets"


(Click here for my Google Scholar profile, which is updated more often than this page, and click here for my RepEc profile.)

Working Papers

  1. Millimet, Daniel L., and Marc F. Bellemare, “On the (Mis)Use of the Fixed Effects Estimator,” revision requested by the Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics.
  2. Bellemare, Marc F., Eeshani Kandpal, and Katherina Thomas, “Income and the Demand for Food.”
  3. Bellemare, Marc F., Jhih-Yun Liu, and Joleen C. Hadrich, “Commodity Prices and Mortality.”
  4. Dalheimer, Bernhard, and Marc F. Bellemare, “Global Agricultural Value Chains and Food Prices.”
  5. Yang, Yi, David Tilman, Marc F. Bellemare, Jessica Fanzo, Carola Grebitus, Kelly L. Haws, Mario Herrero, Susan A. Jebb, David R. Just, Allen S. Levine, David Julian McClements, Ole G. Mouritsen, Rachel Pechey, and Christopher B. Barrett, “Strategies for a Sustainable, Healthy, and Equitable Dietary Transition.”

Permanent Working Papers

  1. Masuda, Yuta, Marc F. Bellemare, Brian E. Robinson, Joy Tseng et al. (2020), “Unifying the Measurement of Land Tenure Security is Essential to Make Progress on the Sustainable Development Goals.”
  2. Bellemare, Marc F. (2021), “Contract Farming in Asia.”
  3. Wang, Yu, and Marc F. Bellemare (2019), “Lagged Variables as Instruments.”


  1. Bellemare, Marc F. (2022), Doing Economics: What You Should Have Learned in Grad School–But Didn’t, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Journal Articles

Note:  For all published empirical articles, I make both my code and data available to allow other researchers to replicate or build upon my findings. In most cases, place the .do and .dta files in your C:\ folder and run the .do file. If you end up using any of my data in your own research, my only request is that you cite my related work and send me a copy of your work when you can circulate it.

  1. Bellemare, Marc F., and Daniel L. Millimet (2025), “Retrospectives: Yair Mundlak and the Fixed Effects Estimator,” Journal of Economic Perspectives 39(1). 
  2. Rahman, Khandker Wahedur, Jeff Bloem, and Marc F. Bellemare, “Survey Ordering and the Measurement of Welfare,” Journal of the Economic Science Association forthcoming. [Article] [Replication Materials]
  3. Bellemare, Marc F., Jeffrey R. Bloem, and Noah Wexler (2024), “The Paper of How: Estimating Treatment Effects Using the Front-Door Criterion,” Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics forthcoming. [Article] [Replication Materials]
  4. Bellemare, Marc F. (2023), “Food loss and waste reduction may backfire,” Nature Food. [Article]
  5. Boyd, Chris M., and Marc F. Bellemare (2022), “Why Not Insure Prices? Experimental Evidence from Peru,” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 202: 580-631. [Article] [Replication Materials]
  6. Meemken, Eva-Marie, Marc F. Bellemare, Thomas Reardon, and Carolina Vargas (2022), “Research and Policy for the Food-Delivery Revolution,” Science 377(6608): 810-813. [Article]
  7. Bellemare, Marc F., and Jeffrey R. Bloem (2022), “The Contribution of the Online Agricultural and Resource Economics Seminar to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging in Agricultural and Applied Economics,” Applied Economic Perspectives & Policy forthcoming. [Article] [Replication Materials]
  8. Bellemare, Marc F. (2022), “Agricultural Value Chains: Toward a Marriage of Development Economics and Industrial Organization?,” Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 66(2): 241-255. [Article
  9. Bellemare, Marc F., Yu Na Lee, and Lindsey Novak (2021), “Contract Farming as Partial Insurance,” World Development 140: 105274 [Article] [Replication Materials]
  10. Bellemare, Marc F., and Vanee Dusoruth (2021), “Who Participates in Urban Agriculture? An Empirical Analysis,” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 43(1): 430-442. [Article] [Replication Files]
  11. Andrango, Graciela, Amy Johnson, and Marc F. Bellemare (2020), “Quinoa Production and Growth Potential in Bolivia, Ecuador, and Peru,” Choices 35(4): 1-10. [Article]
  12. Tseng, Tzu-Wei, Brian E. Robinson, Marc F. Bellemare, Ariel BenYishay et al. (2020), “Influence of Land Tenure Interventions on Human Well-Being and Environmental Outcomes,” Nature Sustainability. [Article]
  13. Boyd, Chris M., and Marc F. Bellemare (2020), “The Microeconomics of Agricultural Price Risk,” Annual Review of Resource Economics 12: 149-169. [Article]
  14. Reardon, Thomas, Ashok Mishra, Chandra S.R. Nuthalapathi, Marc F. Bellemare, and David Zilberman (2020), “COVID-19’s Disruption of India’s Transformed Food Supply Chains,” Economic & Political Weekly 55(18): 18-22. [Article]
  15. Meemken, Eva-Marie, and Marc F. Bellemare (2020), “Smallholder Farmers and Contract Farming in Developing Countries,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 117(1): 259-264. [Article] [Replication Materials]
  16. Bellemare, Marc F., Yu Na Lee, and David R. Just (2020), “Producer Attitudes toward Output Price Risk: Experimental Evidence from the Lab and from the Field,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 102(3): 806-825. [Article] [Replication Materials]
  17. Bellemare, Marc F., Kenn Chua, Julieth Santamaria, and Khoa Vu (2018), “Tenurial Insecurity and Agricultural Investment: Evidence from Vietnam,” Food Policy 94:101839. [Article] [Replication Materials]
  18. Bellemare, Marc F., and Casey J. Wichman (2020), “Elasticities and the Inverse Hyperbolic Sine Transformation,” Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 82(1): 50-61. [Article] [Replication Materials]
  19. Sutradhar, Rajib, N. Chandrasekhar Rao, and Marc F. Bellemare (2019), “Whither the Pin Factory? Modern Food Supply Chains and Specialization in India,” Agricultural Economics 50(4): 395-405. [Article] [Replication Materials]
  20. Bosley, Stacie A., Marc F. Bellemare, Joshua York, and Linda Umwali (2018), “Decision Making and Vulnerability in a Pyramid Scheme Fraud,” Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 80: 1-13. [Article] [Replication Materials]
  21. Bellemare, Marc F., and Amelia B. Finaret (2018), “Dietary Carbohydrate Intake and Mortality: Reflections and Reactions,” The Lancet Public Health 3: e516. [Article]
  22. Bellemare, Marc F., and Jeffrey R. Bloem (2018), “Does Contract Farming Improve Welfare? A Review,” World Development 112: 259-271. [Article]
  23. Bellemare, Marc F., and Sunghun Lim (2018), “In All Shapes and Colors: Varieties of Contract Farming,” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 40(3): 379-401. [Article] [Replication Materials]
  24. Bellemare, Marc F., Johanna Fajardo-Gonzalez, and Seth R. Gitter (2018), “Foods and Fads: The Welfare Impacts of Rising Quinoa Prices in Peru,” World Development 112: 163-179. [Article] [Replication Materials]
  25. Bellemare, Marc F., and Ngoc (Jenny) Nguyen (2018), “Farmers Markets and Food-Borne Illness,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 100(3), 676-690. [Article] [Replication Materials]
  26. Bellemare, Marc F. (2018), “Contract Farming: Opportunity Cost and Trade-Offs,” Agricultural Economics 49(3), 279-288. [Article] [Replication Materials]
  27. Bellemare, Marc F., and Jeffrey R. Bloem (2017), “Ogden, T.N. 2017. Experimental Conversations: Perspectives on Randomized Trials in Development Economics,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 100(2), 642-643. [Article]
  28. Bellemare, Marc F., Metin Çakır, Hikaru Hanawa Peterson, Lindsey Novak, and Jeta Rudi (2017), “On the Measurement of Food Waste,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 99(5): 1148-1158. [Article]
  29. Bellemare, Marc F., Takaaki Masaki, and Thomas B. Pepinsky (2017), “Lagged Explanatory Variables and the Estimation of Causal Effects,” Journal of Politics 79(3): 949-963. [Article]
  30. Bellemare, Marc F., and Lindsey Novak (2017), “Contract Farming and Food Security,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 99(2): 357-378. [Article] [Replication Materials]
  31. Bellemare, Marc F., and Yu Na Lee (2016), “Attitudes to Price Risk and Uncertainty: The Earnest Search for Identification and Policy Relevance,” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 64(4): 599-612. [Article]
  32. Paul, Christopher J., Erika S. Weinthal, Marc F. Bellemare, and Marc A. Jeuland (2016), “Social Capital, Trust, and Adaptation to Climate Change: Evidence from Ethiopia,” Global Environmental Change 36: 124-138. [Article] [Replication Materials]
  33. Bellemare, Marc F., Christopher B. Barrett, and David R. Just (2016), “The Welfare Impacts of Commodity Price Volatility: Reply,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 98(2): 676-678. [Article]
  34. Bellemare, Marc F. (2015), “Contract Farming: What’s In It for Smallholder Farmers in Developing Countries,” Choices 30(3): 1-4. [Article]
  35. Bellemare, Marc F., Lindsey Novak, and Tara L. Steinmetz (2015), “All in the Family? Explaining the Persistence of Female Genital Cutting in West Africa,” Journal of Development Economics 116: 252-265. [Article] [Email for Replication Materials]
  36. Bellemare, Marc F. (2015), “Rising Food Prices, Food Price Volatility, and Political Unrest,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 97(1): 1-21. [Article] [Replication Materials] [Appendix]
  37. Asche, Frank, Marc F. Bellemare, Cathy Roheim, Martin D. Smith, and Sigbjørn Tveterås (2015), “Fair Enough? Food Security and the International Trade of Seafood, World Development 67: 151-160. [Article]
  38. Bellemare, Marc F., and Nicholas Carnes (2015), “Why do Members of Congress Support Agricultural Protection?,” Food Policy 50: 20-34. [Article] [Replication Materials]
  39. Bellemare, Marc F., Christopher B. Barrett, and David R. Just (2013), “The Welfare Impacts of Commodity Price Volatility: Evidence from Rural Ethiopian Households,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 95(4): 877-899. [Article] [Replication Materials] [Appendix]
  40. Elabed, Ghada, Marc F. Bellemare, Michael R. Carter, and Catherine Guirkinger (2013), “Managing Basis Risk with Multi-Scale Index Insurance,” Agricultural Economics 44(4-5): 419-431. [Article]
  41. Lee, Kyeong-Ho (Ken), and Marc F. Bellemare (2013), “Look Who’s Talking: The Impacts of the Intrahousehold Allocation of Mobile Phones on Agricultural Prices,” Journal of Development Studies 49(5): 624-640. [Article] [Replication Materials] [Appendix]
  42. Bellemare, Marc F. (2013), “The Productivity Impacts of Formal and Informal Land Rights,” Land Economics 89(2): 89(2), 272-290. [Article] [Replication Materials]
  43. Tveterås, Sigbjørn, Frank Asche, Marc F. Bellemare, Martin D. Smith, Atle G. Guttormsen, Audun Lem, Kristin Lien, and Stefania Vannuccini (2012), “Fish Is Food — The FAO’s Fish Price Index,” PLoS ONE 7(5): e36731. [Article]
  44. Bellemare, Marc F. (2012), “As You Sow, So Shall You Reap: The Welfare Impacts of Contract Farming,” World Development 40(7): 1418-1434. [Article] [Replication Materials]
  45. Barrett, Christopher B., Maren Elise Bachke, Marc F. Bellemare, Hope C. Michelson, Sudha Narayanan, and Thomas F. Walker (2012), “Smallholder Participation in Contract Farming: Comparative Evidence from Five Countries,” World Development 40(4): 715-730. [Article]
  46. Bellemare, Marc F. (2012), “Insecure Land Rights and Share Tenancy in Madagascar,” Land Economics 88(1): 155-180. [Article] [Replication Materials]
  47. Bellemare, Marc F. (2010), “Agricultural Extension and Imperfect Supervision: Evidence from Madagascar,” Agricultural Economics 41(6): 507-517. [Article] [Replication Materials]
  48. Bellemare, Marc F., and Zachary S. Brown (2010), “On the (Mis)Use of Wealth as a Proxy for Risk Aversion,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 92(1): 273-282. [Article] [Replication Materials] [Appendix]
  49. Barrett, Christopher B., Marc F. Bellemare, and Janet Y. Hou (2010), “Reconsidering Conventional Explanations of the Inverse Productivity-Size Relationship,” World Development 38(1):88-97. [Article] [Replication Materials]
  50. Bellemare, Marc F. (2009), “When Perception is Reality: Subjective Expectations and Contracting,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 91(5):1377-1381. [Article] [Replication Materials]
  51. Bellemare, Marc F. (2009), “Sharecropping, Insecure Land Rights, and Land Titling Policies: A Case Study of Lac Alaotra, Madagascar,” Development Policy Review 27(1):87-106. [Article] [Replication Materials]
  52. Bellemare, Marc F., and Christopher B. Barrett (2006), “An Ordered Tobit Model of Market Participation: Evidence from Kenya and Ethiopia,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 88(2):324-337. [Article] [Replication Materials]

Book Chapters

  1. Bellemare, Marc F. (2013), “Discussion of Anderson, Ivanic, and Martin,” in Jean-Paul Chavas, David Hummels, and Brian D. Wright, eds., The Economics of Food Price Volatility, Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research and Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  2. Bellemare, Marc F. (2008), “Sharecropping,” in William A. Darity Jr., ed. International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Farmington Hills, MI: Macmillan Reference USA.
  3. Bellemare, Marc F. (2008), “Tobit,” in William A. Darity Jr., ed. International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Farmington Hills, MI: Macmillan Reference USA.
  4. Barrett, Christopher B., Marc F. Bellemare, and Sharon M. Osterloh (2006), “Household-Level Livestock Marketing Behavior among Northern Kenyan and Southern Ethiopian Pastoralists,” in John McPeak and Peter D. Little, eds. Pastoral Livestock Marketing in Eastern Africa: Research and Policy Challenges. Warwickshire, UK: ITDG Publishing.

Book Reviews

  1. Bellemare, Marc F. (2025), Review of Bauer, Jean-Martin, The New Breadline: Hunger and Hope in the Twenty-First Century, Journal of Economic Literature forthcoming.
  2. Bellemare, Marc F., and Jeffrey R. Bloem (2018), Review of Timothy Ogden, Experimental ConversationsAmerican Journal of Agricultural Economics 100(2): 642-643.

Popular Press

Note: Never in a hundred years would this seriously fall under the heading of “Research,” but I did not have anywhere else to list these publications, so here goes.

  1. Bellemare, Marc F. (2017), “Is ‘Food Waste’ Really Such a Waste?,” Wall Street Journal, August 25.
  2. Bellemare, Marc F. (2016), “Farmers Markets and Food-Borne Illness,” New York Times (New York), January 17.
  3. Bellemare, Marc F. (2014), “Development Bloat,” Foreign Affairs January 6.
  4. Bellemare, Marc F. (2013), “Lion Hunting in Tanzania: Getting Away with Murder?,” Star Tribune (Minneapolis–St. Paul), March 23.
  5. Barrett, Christopher B., and Marc F. Bellemare (2011), “Why Food Price Volatility Doesn’t Matter,” Foreign Affairs July 12.
  6. Bellemare, Marc F. (2010), “The UN’s Useless Promises,” The Philadelphia Inquirer (Philadelphia). September 28. [Stable Link.]
  7. Bellemare, Marc F. (2010), “Goals Miss the Mark,” The Herald-Sun (Durham). September 26. [Stable Link.]
  8. Bellemare, Marc F. (2008), “Why Africa’s Food Markets Are Thin,The News & Observer (Raleigh). April 25.
  9. Bellemare, Marc F. (2008), “Crise alimentaire mondiale: Un problème structurel en Afrique,” Le Devoir (Montreal). April 17.
  10. Bellemare, Marc F. (1999), “Parizeau et le dollar US: de la mauvaise foi?,” La Presse (Montreal). April 22.
  11. Bellemare, Marc F. (1998), “UdeM: Ici, c’est Pepsi!,” La Presse (Montreal). October 19.